Download Embed Any Document Plus - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free CodeCanyon 9911763
Embed Any Document Plus WordPress plugin lets you display (embed) your documents easily in your WordPress website without any additional browser plugins like Flash or Acrobat reader.
With just one click you can easily embed your Google Docs files and documents hosted in DropBox & to your WordPress website.
Similar to services like Scribd and SlideShare, ‘Embed Any Document Plus’ will allow you to embed supported files directly into your page or post, not requiring the user to have any other software installed to view the contents.
Supported File Formats
- Microsoft Word (docx, docm, dotm, dotx)
- Microsoft Excel (xlsx, xlsb, xls, xlsm)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx, ppsx, ppt, pps, pptm, potm, ppam, potx, ppsm)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
- Text files (txt)
- TIFF Images (tif, tiff)
- Adobe Illustrator (ai)
- Scalable Vector Graphics (svg)