Download Free LaraUpload - Online File Sharing and Cloud Storage Nulled ThemeForest 22454107
MegaUpload gives you the power to create a file hosting platform in a minute with no coding, MegaUpload build as a Saas with subscribe system so start your business now.
- Upload Files
- Images previewed before upload. File icons shown for each file before upload.
- Drag & Drop into the browser to begin uploading.
- Copy file url to the clipboard link.
- File details page
- File Manager
- Thumbnails generated for file types/li>
- Delete file
- Uploade file
- File Sharing
- File Downloads
- File server performance if enabled.
- Files are stored securely on your web host.
- Wait timer before download the file.
- Security
- Account password stored using SHA256
- Set file folders and private or public.
- Support for https.
- Externally tested for XSS and SQL injection attacks.
- Customizations
- Written for PHP7+.
- 100% full source code.
- Easy installation.
- Fully customizable.
- Modern template. (easily customize and create additional ones)
- Admin Area
- designed admin area using Bootstrap 4
- Developed with Laravel
- Separate dedicated admin area
- Dashboard detailing downloads and active files.
- Manage users
- Manage site settings.
- Set user account settings
- Free user space
- premium user space
- price payment
- Server Requirements
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- if you using MySQL you have to use at least 5.7.7 or bigger version
- if your using MariaDB then you have to use at least 10.2.2 or bigger version