WooCommerce Wallet

WooCommerce Wallet v2.6.4

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Download Free WooCommerce Wallet Nulled CodeCanyon 19502593
Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0+ and previous releases.

WooCommerce Wallet is a WordPress plugin that allows your customers to checkout/pay from their Wallet, using funds that they have already deposit in their account.

This is a WooCommerce Wallet and Refund system that allow users to pay using the funds that they have already deposit in their account and allow the admin to refund the amount directly to the user wallet.

Users with wallets are listed together in a table, when a new user make a deposit or an admin add funds for this user he will be added to the table.
The admin can add fund, withdraw funds or lock the wallets balance.
If a users balance is lock he no longer can use it to checkout.

A cashback amount can be set for any product or variation, it can either be an exact value or a percentage relative to the product price.

Add Funds
You can directly add funds to any user wallet from the admin dashboard

Refund Requests
If you enable refunds, user will be able to send refund request and the admin can either refund or reject a request
The percentage to refund can be set in the plugins setting page.

Transactions History
Every transaction is recorded the admin can see all the transaction and filter them by user.
Every user can see his transactions history in his account page

Partial Payments
If account balance is not enough the available amount will be discounted form the cart total funds and the user will pay the rest using a different payment method.

Credit Products
Add a new product with the amount as a name and price and set the category to “WooCommerce Wallet Credit” to add a new deposit option
Credit products doesn’t appear in the shop

Using the shortcode [fsww_deposit] the admin can add a deposit form that users can use to add funds to their account.
The shortcode can be used in a page or in a widget

Add a deposit form.

[fsww_balance] Current user account balance.

[fsww_transactions_history] Current user transactions history table.

The shortcodes can be used in a page or in a widget
Users wallet balances are encrypted to make it impossible to manually modify account balances if the database is hacked.

Translation Ready
.po, .pot and .mo files included, for easy translation

We add features on demand
If there is a feature that you want to be added to the plugin in our future updates feel free to contact us and tell us what you need. we will be happy to add it.
First release
Last update
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