YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud

YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud v1.3.2

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You obsessively take care of your site every day, you control everything, from the smallest expense to the pleasant income. Then, while you are checking every single order, you find out that you have to delete some of the sales because they are fraudulent purchases. Scams.

Do you know that in the event of fraudulent purchases made with a credit card,90% of the times the bank will compensate the buyer, thus making you lose the sale made and the product sold?

This plugin checks if there are suspicious actions during the purchase process by assigning them a coefficient of risk which will block the order automatically if it is too high, setting it as pending.
Meanwhile, you will receive an email and you will be free to discretely check the possible buyer, asking for more information before approving the purchase of the product and so on. Two simple words: goodbye scams!

YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud was designed appositely for all of those vendors that are tired to try the impossible in order to boost the number of their customers and their sales only to run into a huge rate of fraudulent purchases.

A fraudulent purchase affects your store in several ways:
  • It increses the risk of refunds for the vendor
  • It increases the risk of ending up into banks’ blacklists.
  • It makes vendors waste precious time while having to deal with each single fraudulent transaction.
  • It damages the public image of your company in the eyes of customers.
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