YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity

YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity v1.5.0

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In the majority of shops you find small objects with a very low price per item, just think of ironmongery or nail charm. Your customer could either be one who needs big amounts of such product or one who needs just a couple of small nails.

Yet, in this case, shipping so few would require too much time if compared with the earnings you would get (not to say that earnings are entirely missing). And not to mention, then, shipping costs that would be much higher than the price of purchased products.

And what if you wanted to make special offers for a sought-after product? Some of them might misuse this offer and make rid of your stocks, while your intent was to promote the shop and reach new customers with this offer. Wouldn’t setting a maximum quantity of items to add to the cart the ideal choice for preventing this? Offering a good user experience on your site is also this, guiding your users to the best and most suitable choice for them, also for the most shallow or facile one: and this is where a plugin such as YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity, which allows you to set a minimum or maximum quantity for product selection, will help you take care of your users, guide them during purchase and keep their satisfaction high. Whether you want to set a minumum or maximum quantity of items of the same product or in the whole cart, whether you want to set a minimum or maximum spend, whether you want to include shipping costs or not, all this will only benefit your online business.
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