Time/Date Slot Delivery Calendar OPENCART

Time/Date Slot Delivery Calendar OPENCART,

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This extension adds a step in the Checkout process for the customer to select a suitable time slot for delivery. The additional step has a calendar that shows the available and booked time slots for a given week.

This extension is also a shipping method which calculates the cost of delivery based on the postcode of the delivery address.

The backend allows the administrator to configure the calendar with the following:

  • definition of time slots,
  • definition of delivery zones (with a list of postcodes, number of deliveries per time slot, and cost of delivery for the zone)
  • available time slots per day,
  • blocked time slots for a particular date, and
  • settings for the background colors of the calendar with a preview.
The extension also adds a 'Delivery Date/Time' column to the Orders list which can be used to sort orders. A filter for 'Delivery Date' is also available to get a list of orders for delivery on a particular date. The sort and filter functions can be used to generate a report/list of orders grouped by the delivery date and time slot.

The delivery date/time is also added to the description of the Shipping Method description on Order details in the frontend and backend.
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